Twitter Shopping



Project Details

Every month, millions of people Tweet about what they love: products they buy, places they visit, books they’re reading or vacations they’re planning. But it can be challenging to find and engage with the most relevant Tweets, images and videos about products and places when you’re looking for them. I helped brainstorm ways to make it easier for consumers to discover rich and relevant content about products on Twitter.

We presented my designs for incorporating products to Twitter using the Mulu API. They were so well received that my CEO ultimately ended up transitioning to Twitter to lead their commerce team and build upon the vision we created.



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Visual Design


Compose a tweet

User enters his message (at 140 characters or less). If a product is mentioned, Mulu recognizes it.


Submit Tweet

Once a tweet is submitted, user is presented with an option to “love” it saving a record of the product on the user profile page.


Twitter Stream

Every time a product is mentioned, sponsored retailer will reply with the opportunity to purchase. User can click to retailer, purchase instantly, or click the product name and view the canonical product page within Twitter.

Doris SteereWeb Design